Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2017

Reposted using @ziapplications #ziapplications ・・・ "I colored this for a challenge where you're only allowed to color with one green, yellow, blue, purple, pink, white and black pencil. Check out our facebookpage devoted to this book. Fans of Nadja Wedin's Fåglar & Fjärilar colouringbook Birds and Butterflies #nadjawedin #nadjawedindesign #fåglarochfjärilar #coloringbookbynadjawedin #paginaförlag #arttherapy #colorindolivrostop #coloring_masterpieces #divasdasartes #nossa_vida_colorida #coloringmasterpiece#desenhoscolorir #coloring_secrets #coloringsecrets #artecomoterapia #fabercastellpolychromos #prismacolors #posca #ellens #coloriagepouradultes #arte_e_colorir #colouredpencils #coloringforadults #docepapelatelier #coloringsecrets #bayan_boyan"

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